From the beginning of the piece which calls upon the ancestors with unaccompanied trumpet, to the middle section which dances in a groove to the beat of the African Diaspora, to the finale which ends in the spoken words “Black lives will exist in the future”, Afrofuturism elicits stories of Blackness and embodies May's personal style, creativity and aesthetic while highlighting Black women.

Afrofuturism is an interdisciplinary multi-media work, showcasing the connection of visual and performing arts. This work is meant to take you on an aural and visual journey based on Shanyse Strickland’s work, Afrofuturism. The work is written for solo trumpet with pedal effects and piano accompaniment, and includes a music video and complementary photography exhibit which allows the music to be encapsulated and preserved for many people to experience.
Afrofuturism Collaborators:
The Dark Room Co., Videographer
David Aguila, Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Chevé Freed, Stylist/hair/makeup
Pablo Castillo Gomez, Tracking Engineer
Sharon Walsh, Tracking Engineer
Ismail Douglas, Capoeira Artist
Cleotha McJunkins, Capoeira Artist
Kent State University, Recording Location
Urgent Art Fund Grant through SPACES, Funding
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, Supporter
Afrofuturism Gallery
All photos by Emanuel Wallace